All Newsletter of GLOCOPH activities shall be published here
GLOCOPH Newsletter 1 (July 2024)
Working group meeting 25-26th Nov 2024, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
Dear all,
We are happy to announce the first meeting of our Palaeo-Hydrology: Ancient Disasters, Modern Application (PHADMA) working group. The meeting will take place at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, on the 25-26th of November of this year.
Aim and Objectives
The main goal of this meeting is to (re-)establish a network of hydroclimate scientists with expertise ranging from paleo-climate and (paleo-)hydrology to climate modelling, who are willing to jointly work on the spatio-temporal analysis of palaeohydrological extremes (floods and droughts) that occurred during the Holocene. The aim is to have annual follow-up meetings to track progress, and to present our results at the next INQUA conference in India (2027).
During this kick-off meeting we will introduce the general framework of this initiative, by using past GLOCOPH working group results as a general starting point. Next, we can decide on which focal periods we want to target as a group, how we are going to compile data from fundamentally different records, which methods we should deploy to assess spatio-temporal patterns, and what our strategy will be to make such data suitable to be applied in (for example) modern event attribution studies. To get a head start, we will launch a pre-meeting online document that will be accessible to researchers who have subscribed to the meeting, and which can be used to share ideas.
How to Apply?
We kindly invite researchers from various fields of study to achieve maximum synergy.
Early career researchers and researchers from developing countries are particularly welcomed, and we are able to alleviate part of their expenses from the INQUA grant for this initiative*.
There is no registration fee for this event, but we aim at a maximum number of c. 25 attendees to keep the meeting interactive.
Please register using the online form PHADMA Kick-off meeting Amsterdam (, or contact us directly at
Funning Opportunities
Early career researchers and researchers from developing countries are particularly welcomed, and we are able to alleviate part of their expenses from the INQUA grant for this initiative*.
*conditions do apply, and the size of the refund will depend on the number of participants.
We hope to see you soon in Amsterdam. Very best wishes,
Ankit Agarwal (IIT Roorkee), Ray Lombardi (Univ. Memphis) and Willem Toonen (VU Amsterdam)
The GLOCOPH website can be reached at .
News regarding GLOCOPH activities and workshops will be posted online and will be forwarded in our future newsletters, that will be sent out to our mailing list. Subscribing to the mailing list can done following this link (, or by reaching out to us on the GLOCOPH mail address, which has remained unchanged (
--- GLOCOPH-PHADMA start-up meeting ---
On 25-26th November we had our first INQUA meeting of the PaleoHydrology: Ancient Disasters, Modern Applications (PHADMA) meeting at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We thank all who attended for their excellent presentations and the fruitful discussions on potential new avenues to collaborate and to deploy our data for improved risk assessment and climate attribution. Thanks for all the positive energy - let’s translate that into some great novel research! In the coming months we will compile our first data and start to test the proposed strategies. To aid this endeavor we will launch a new online shared document (soon!) that will be accessible for all participants - those who did not attend the meeting but who would like to contribute are welcome to join (please contact us for access; or In addition, it is our aim to use this online document to draft a general outline for a white paper that focusses on these novel strategies and their anticipated impact. We aim to present the progress on this during our next GLOCOPH meeting in Bonn, Germany.